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Department of Statistics

Funded research projects

The following projects were funded for the funding applicant Prof. Dr. Jörg Rahnenführer. The individual funding amounts to a total of approx. 3 million euros. Further projects of team members are indicated below this list.

  • DFG Graduiertenkolleg, GK 2624 Biostatistische Methoden für hochdimensionale Daten in der Toxikologie (Biostatistical methods for high-dimensional data in toxicology), speaker of the Graduiertenkolleg, involved in several projects (04/2021-09/2025, first period)
  • BMBF joint application, SysDT-Transfer Translation von Systembiologie-basierten entwicklungstoxikologischen in vitro Testmethoden in die Anwendung (Transfer of  in vitro test methods for systems biology-based developmental toxicology into application) (02/2017-01/2020)
  • BMBF joint application, LivSys-Transfer Transfer des LivSys in vitro Systems für Hepatotoxizität in die Anwendung (Transfer of the LivSys in vitro system for hepatotoxicity into application) (12/2016-11/2019)
  • DFG individual application (jointly with Bernd Bischl), Identifikation von Kohorten-übergreifenden und Variablen-stabilen prognostischen Modellen in der Überlebenszeitanalyse mit Methoden der modellbasierten Optimierung (Identification of cross-cohort and variable-stable predictive models in survival analysis using methods of model-based optimization) (2016-2019)
  • BMBF joint application, StemNet iPS-Zell abgeleitete menschliche Hepatozyten: verbesserte Reprogrammierung und Entwicklung von in vitro Krankheitsmodellen (iPS cell derived human hepatocytes: improved reprogramming and development of in vitro disease models) (07/2017-06/2019)
  • SAW joint application funded by the Leibniz Association, (Reverse) Proteomics as novel tool for biodiversity research (08/2014-06/2017)
  • BMBF joint application, LivSys Modelling of the toxome of cultivated human hepatocytes (12/2013-11/2015)
  • BMBF joint application, SysDT Systems biology-based prediction of developmental toxicity (01/2014-06/2016)
  • DFG individual application (jointly with Roland Fried), Vergleich von Modellen der Krankheitsprogression bei Krebs und HIV und Entwicklung von Bewertungsmaßen zur statistischen Modellwahl (Comparison of models of disease progression in cancer and HIV and development of evaluation measures for statistical model selection) (01/2012-08/2017)
  • DFG individual application, Verbesserte prognostische Signaturen aus Microarray-Studien durch Auswahl von Genen mit charakteristischen Verteilungen (Improved prognostic signatures from microarray studies by choosing genes with characteristic distributions) (05/2011-07/2017)
  • DFG individual application, Klinische Prognosen auf Grundlage von genregulatorischen Netzwerken (Clinical prognoses on the basis of gene-regulatory networks) (05/2011-01/2014)
  • SFB 876 Verfügbarkeit von Information durch Analyse unter Ressourcenbeschränkung (Providing Information by Resource-Contrained Data Analysis)
    • project manager for subproject A3 Methoden der Effizienten Ressourcennutzung in Algorithmen des Maschinellen Lernens (Methods of efficient resource utilization in machine learning algorithms) (01/2011-12/2018)
    • project manager for subproject B1 Ressourcen-beschränkte Analyse von Spektrometriedaten (Resource-limited analysis of spectrometry data) (01/2015-12/2018)
  • DFG Graduiertenkolleg, GK 1032 Statistische Modellbildung (Statistical Modelling), subproject manager (07/2008-06/2013)
  • BMBF Verbundantrag, NGFNplus Deciphering oncogene dependencies in human cancer oncogene mutation space
    • subproject 6 Statistical modeling of drug response and pathway alterations (07/2008-06/2013)
  • Zentrum für Angewandte Proteomik (ZAP), part of the life science innovation platform Dortmund
    • project 5.1 Statistical Analysis of Data from Mass Spectrometry and Difference Gel Electrophoresis (04/2007-06/2008)

Further projects with team members as funding applicants:

  • Birte Hellwig: DFG individual application, Statistische Quantifizierung und Modellierung der Veränderungen von Genexpression und biologischen Prozessen in der Stammzelldifferenzierung (Statistical quantification and modelling of changes in gene expression and biological processes in stem cell differentiation) (01/2022-12/2024)
  • Marco Grzegorczyk: DFG individual application, Entwicklung neuer Bayesscher Netzwerkmodelle für die Systembiologieforschung (Development of new Bayesian network models for systems biology research) (10/2011-11/2013)